XTRACT Project launches to revolutionise Mining Industry
We’re excited to announce that ACCELIGENCE Ltd. (ACCELI) is taking a pivotal role in the groundbreaking XTRACT project, serving as the Communication Manager. Alongside this crucial responsibility, ACCELI acts as a technical partner, providing UAVs and overseeing project exploitation.
The XTRACT project, launched in December 2023, is set to transform the mining industry with its visionary approach to achieving the Zero Emission Mine of the Future. This three-year Horizon Europe-funded initiative brings together 14 partner organisations from nine European countries, each committed to introducing a highly innovative alternative to how stockpiles and tailings are assessed. This innovative approach not only alleviates pressure on resources but also significantly contributes to realising EU Climate Neutrality Goals, with a remarkable benefit of emission reduction.
At ACCELI, our role as the Communication Manager is dedicated to effectively conveying the outcomes of the XTRACT project to the public. Our primary objective is to disseminate knowledge about the project in a clear and accessible manner, amplifying its impact and engaging relevant stakeholders.
For more detailed information, we invite you to read the official press release on the XTRACT project website here. Stay tuned for more updates on how ACCELIGENCE Ltd. is actively contributing to this revolutionary initiative that is set to reshape the future of mining.
Visit the XTRACT project website to learn more about this innovative project. -> https://xtract-project.eu/